Book Musik 054 – Common Tones: Selected interviews with artists and musicians 1995-2020 – discussion with author Alan Licht

Common Tones-Selected interviews with artists and musicians 1995-2020 conversation with author Alan Licht

Tosh and Kimley discuss Common Tones: selected interviews with artists and musicians 1995-2020 with author Alan Licht. Alan is a musician and writer and his multidisciplinary approach to creativity is just one of the many things that he has in common with his subjects. The majority of his interviewees are active in some combination of music, writing, film, and the visual arts. There’s a creative perspective and aesthetic that flows through this collection of interviews from well-known artists like Lou Reed and Tom Verlaine to some of the key figures who influenced them such as Tony Conrad and Henry Flynt. As a peer and someone who has an enormous passion and respect for the artists he’s interviewing, Alan has a unique knack for getting everyone to open up to him and deliver a lively exchange.

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Theme music: “Behind Our Efforts, Let There Be Found Our Efforts” by LG17

Book Musik 035 – A Sound Mind discussion with author Paul Morley

"A Sound Mind" discussion with Paul MorleyTosh and Kimley are joined by writer Paul Morley to discuss his latest book A Sound Mind: How I Fell in Love with Classical Music (and Decided to Rewrite Its Entire History). Paul is a man after our own heart with wildly eclectic taste in music, an insatiable curiosity and a willingness to challenge his own assumptions. He is a well-established and highly respected pop/rock writer who’s been covering the scene since the 70s. In his 50s he realized that pop music wasn’t giving him the jolt it once did and decided to explore classical music. He discovered that its newness to himself made it as exciting if not more so than the latest pop phenomenon. It’s a fascinating adventure and the book is a passionate call to never stop expanding one’s horizons.

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Theme music: “Behind Our Efforts, Let There Be Found Our Efforts” by LG17